proposes the UNESCO candidacy of Pulcinella



The first meeting for the UNESCO candidacy of the Pulcinella mask proposed by SAT took place on 26 June 2014 in Palinuro. On this occasion the Scientific Committee was set up which will have to deal with planning the application process, evaluating the proposals for the establishment of the detached video archive, training courses, theatrical promotion and production and the conference to be held in September. .
The meeting was attended by Dr. Sandra Maragno (director of Selefor - training institution), Carlo Sacchi (artistic director of theatrical events in Cilento), Prof. Domenico Scafoglio (anthropologist scholar of Pulcinella). Luciano Brogi and Francesco Gigliotti were present for the SAT.

see article in the newspaper 'Giornale del Cilento'
see article in the newspaper

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